Drivers Mstest

Drivers testest

This is a two part series of test automation on android using Appium, C# and MSTest.
for part 2 click here.

Via GIPHY.NET Core is the latest cross-platform framework for Microsoft that allows you to run the same code on Windows, Mac and Linux. I’m going to take you through installing Visual Studio, introducing you to the MSTest testing framework, telling you a little bit about Selenium WebDriver on Mac and ending all of that with your very first automated functional test, running on Chrome browser. Nvda Testing Driver will allow us to run the NVDA screen reader automatically, manage it from.Net, obtain the textual responses that the screen reader would announce aloud, and compare those answers with the texts that we expect the reader to pronounce, if the component to be tested works as expected. On a rural highway, drivers of motor trucks must not follow within feet of one another except to pass. A 200 B 300 C 400 D 500 E 600. Also, high beam headlights must be dimmed no less than feet from oncoming traffic, and feet of a vehicle being followed. A 600, 200 B 500, 200 C 400, 200 D 300, 100 E 200, 150. Download xUnit - Unit Testing Framework for free. XUnit is a XP style unit testing framework. XUnit uses a protocol between a front-end to display test results and a test driver linked into applications - removing the link time dependencies between the application and the graphics, formatting libraries.

Prerequisites for this tutorial:

  1. Visual Studio Ultimate (2010 or above) (Because MSTest is present in that)
  2. Android SDK For Windows (Download Link) (Website link)
  3. Appium For Windows (Download Link) (Website Link)
  4. A Real Android Device running Android 4.2 or Above (I am using an Android Phone running Android 4.3)
  5. A USB Cable to attach your Android Phone to Your PC.
  6. ADB Interface Drivers for your Phone (Link on how to get that ) (very important Step)

Some Configurations for Android SDK and Appium:

  • When you have installed Android SDK, go to My Computer, right click , click Properties, click Advanced System Settings, click Environment Variables.
  • Create a new User Variable with the name 'ANDROID_HOME'. Give path to your sdk folder in the value. The default path is C:Program Files (x86)Androidandroid-sdk

  • Edit the PATH variable in 'System Variable' Section. Append the path to your tools folder and platform-tools folder. Separated with ';'
The paths are
C:Program Files (x86)Androidandroid-sdktools
C:Program Files (x86)Androidandroid-sdkplatform-tools
See the image below.

  • Connect your Android Phone with USB Cable. To make sure your android phone is connected with your PC, we have to do following.
Go to C:Program Files (x86)Androidandroid-sdktools. Click on 'uiautomatorviewer.bat'. A window will open. See Image.
You can use this window to inspect the elements of your app in android. Open the calculator app in your android device and click on 'Device ScreenShot' button on this screen. If you receive this error message 'No Android devices were found by adb'

That means adb interface drivers are not installed on your system. You have to read again point number 6 in the Prerequisites section. If android device is successfully connected, you should see a snapshot along with Object Map in this window like this.
  • Unzip in a folder. Open Appium.exe, you should see a window like this.

Click on the android Icon on the top left of this window. You will see a window in which you can configure the platform and version of your android on which you want to test. I have filled the following configurations there.
Now click on the Play button on the top right corner of the window. Appium server will start with the configurations you have provided.

  • Developer options should be enabled on your android phone, with these two options.
Usb Debugging should be enabled.Drivers mates
StayAwake should be enabled.
If you reach till here, Congratulations, You have successfully configured all the required prerequisites .
In the second part, I will show how to code and run this script on your real android device.
1. The maximum height for listed vehicles is ___.

A 12’6″
B 13’6″
C 14’6″
D 15’6″
E 16’0″

2. A load must not extend more than __ feet to the front of the vehicle, or more than ___ feet to the rear of the vehicle except poles, piling and logs.

A 2,4
B 3,5
C 4,6
D 4,8
E 5,10

Drivers Mates

3. Poles, piling and logs may project ___ feet beyond the rearmost part of the trailer.

A 5
B 6
C 10
D 15
E 17

4.If a load extends for 4 or more feet past the bed or body of any vehicle, a ___ flag 12 inches square must be attached to the extreme rear of the load during daylight hours.

A red
B white
C blue
D green
E yellow

5. At night, a red light must be attached to the extreme rear of the load and visible for at least ___ feet to the sides and the rear.

A 100
B 200
C 300
D 400
E 500

6. When pulling or towing another motor vehicle the speed limit is ___ m.p.h.

A 35
B 45
C 55
D 60
E 65

7. On a rural highway, drivers of motor trucks must not follow within ___ feet of one another except to pass.

A 200
B 300
C 400
D 500
E 600

8. Also, high beam headlights must be dimmed no less than ____ feet from oncoming traffic, and ___ feet of a vehicle being followed.

A 600, 200
B 500, 200
C 400, 200
D 300, 100
E 200, 150

9. Vehicles transporting passengers for hire must be equipped with at least a ___ type fire extinguisher.

A 1-A
B 2-B
C 1-AB
D 2-BC
E 1-A-B

10. Passenger buses and freight carrying vehicles must carry all of the following except.

A Three flares
B Two 12-inch square red cloth flags
C Three electric lanterns
D A & B
E All of the following are required

11. Trucks carrying explosive, flammable liquid, compressed gases or using compressed gas as a fuel must use _______ or ________ only.

A 2 12-inch square red cloth flags, three electric lanterns
B 2 12-inch square red cloth flags, three flares
C red electric lanterns, red emergency reflectors
D red electric lanterns, white emergency reflectors
E white electric lanterns, white emergency reflectors

12. If your brakes should fail on the level road, you should _______, and use engine compression to slow down.

A up-shift
B downshift
C put on the emergency brake
D throw out the anchor
E accelerate

Driver Mst

13. A rear view mirror must reflect a view of the highway for a distance of ___ feet to the rear regardless of the load of the vehicle.

A 100
B 200
C 250
D 300
E 350

14. Tail lights must be visible for ___ feet to the rear.

A 250
B 500
C 750
D 1,000
E 1,250

15. Reflectors must be visible for ___ feet.

A 200
B 300
C 450
D 550
E 600

To download software drivers for your audio interface or MIDI device, visit their manufacturer’s page below to find any available driver downloads. Once downloaded, launch the driver installer and follow the on-screen instructions. This download record contains a tool to determine if a system is impacted by recent Intel security advisories. ( Software: Windows 10. Windows 8.1. Windows Server 2019. 2 more: Latest: 12/9/2020: Intel® Management Engine Driver for Windows 8.1. and Windows® 10. Download android adb interface driver.

Answer Key

1. B
2. D
3. D
4. A
5. E
6. B
7. C
8. B
9. D
10. E
11. C
12. B
13. B
14. D
15. E