Download Mstest Driver

  1. The MSTest driver can be used to capture screenshots and attach them to the test results. Files are automatically named using the test name and incrementing counters. If multiple Spotfire drivers are instantiated within a single test case the driver will automatically number the files to keep them in sequence (a driver counter is included in.
  2. In the above code we open and close the app for each test, which is a slow operation. You can always reuse the app by initializing the driver in class initialize method. Do not forget to dispose the app driver at the end of your tests. Also, always make sure to close the WinAppServer.exe after the tests' execution.
  3. Unit Testing with Neo4j using NoSQLUnit Neo4j Staff Aug 07, 2012.
  4. The LabVIEW Unit Test Framework Toolkit helps you automate LabVIEW VI unit testing to perform functional validation. The LabVIEW Unit Test Framework Toolkit is a software add-on for LabVIEW that helps you automate functional validation and demonstrate whether an application behaves properly.

Author: Edwin Hernandez Maynez This article is a follow up on a previous post titled 'UI Automation - Page Object Model and other Design Patterns' and is part of a series of posts related to UI Test automation, if you are interested in UI automation tools in general, we definitely recommend check.


This article applies to: ✔️ .NET Core 2.1 SDK and later versions


dotnet test - .NET test driver used to execute unit tests.



The dotnet test command is used to execute unit tests in a given solution. The dotnet test command builds the solution and runs a test host application for each test project in the solution. The test host executes tests in the given project using a test framework, for example: MSTest, NUnit, or xUnit, and reports the success or failure of each test. If all tests are successful, the test runner returns 0 as an exit code; otherwise if any test fails, it returns 1.

For multi-targeted projects, tests are run for each targeted framework. The test host and the unit test framework are packaged as NuGet packages and are restored as ordinary dependencies for the project.

Test projects specify the test runner using an ordinary <PackageReference> element, as seen in the following sample project file:

Where Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk is the test host, xunit is the test framework. And xunit.runner.visualstudio is a test adapter, which allows the xUnit framework to work with the test host.

Implicit restore

You don't have to run dotnet restore because it's run implicitly by all commands that require a restore to occur, such as dotnet new, dotnet build, dotnet run, dotnet test, dotnet publish, and dotnet pack. To disable implicit restore, use the --no-restore option.

The dotnet restore command is still useful in certain scenarios where explicitly restoring makes sense, such as continuous integration builds in Azure DevOps Services or in build systems that need to explicitly control when the restore occurs.

For information about how to manage NuGet feeds, see the dotnet restore documentation.



    • Path to the test project.
    • Path to the solution.
    • Path to a directory that contains a project or a solution.
    • Path to a test project .dll file.

    If not specified, it searches for a project or a solution in the current directory.


  • -a|--test-adapter-path <ADAPTER_PATH>

    Path to a directory to be searched for additional test adapters. Only .dll files with suffix .TestAdapter.dll are inspected. If not specified, the directory of the test .dll is searched.

  • --blame

    Runs the tests in blame mode. This option is helpful in isolating problematic tests that cause the test host to crash. When a crash is detected, it creates a sequence file in TestResults/<Guid>/<Guid>_Sequence.xml that captures the order of tests that were run before the crash.

  • --blame-crash (Available since .NET 5.0 preview SDK)

    Runs the tests in blame mode and collects a crash dump when the test host exits unexpectedly. This option depends on the version of .NET used, the type of error, and the operating system.

    For exceptions in managed code, a dump will be automatically collected on .NET 5.0 and later versions. It will generate a dump for testhost or any child process that also ran on .NET 5.0 and crashed. Crashes in native code will not generate a dump. This option works on Windows, macOS, and Linux.

    Crash dumps in native code, or when using .NET Core 3.1 or earlier versions, can only be collected on Windows, by using Procdump. A directory that contains procdump.exe and procdump64.exe must be in the PATH or PROCDUMP_PATH environment variable. Download the tools. Implies --blame.

    To collect a crash dump from a native application running on .NET 5.0 or later, the usage of Procdump can be forced by setting the VSTEST_DUMP_FORCEPROCDUMP environment variable to 1.

  • --blame-crash-dump-type <DUMP_TYPE> (Available since .NET 5.0 preview SDK)

    The type of crash dump to be collected. Implies --blame-crash.

  • --blame-crash-collect-always (Available since .NET 5.0 preview SDK)

    Collects a crash dump on expected as well as unexpected test host exit.

  • --blame-hang (Available since .NET 5.0 preview SDK)

    Run the tests in blame mode and collects a hang dump when a test exceeds the given timeout.

  • --blame-hang-dump-type <DUMP_TYPE> (Available since .NET 5.0 preview SDK)

    The type of crash dump to be collected. It should be full, mini, or none. When none is specified, test host is terminated on timeout, but no dump is collected. Implies --blame-hang.

  • --blame-hang-timeout <TIMESPAN> (Available since .NET 5.0 preview SDK)

    Per-test timeout, after which a hang dump is triggered and the test host process and all of its child processes are dumped and terminated. The timeout value is specified in one of the following formats:

    • 1.5h, 1.5hour, 1.5hours
    • 90m, 90min, 90minute, 90minutes
    • 5400s, 5400sec, 5400second, 5400seconds
    • 5400000ms, 5400000mil, 5400000millisecond, 5400000milliseconds

    When no unit is used (for example, 5400000), the value is assumed to be in milliseconds. When used together with data driven tests, the timeout behavior depends on the test adapter used. For xUnit and NUnit the timeout is renewed after every test case. For MSTest, the timeout is used for all test cases. This option is supported on Windows with netcoreapp2.1 and later, on Linux with netcoreapp3.1 and later, and on macOS with net5.0 or later. Implies --blame and --blame-hang.

  • -c|--configuration <CONFIGURATION>

    Defines the build configuration. The default value is Debug, but your project's configuration could override this default SDK setting.

  • --collect <DATA_COLLECTOR_NAME>

    Enables data collector for the test run. For more information, see Monitor and analyze test run.

    To collect code coverage on any platform that is supported by .NET Core, install Coverlet and use the --collect:'XPlat Code Coverage' option.

    On Windows, you can collect code coverage by using the --collect 'Code Coverage' option. This option generates a .coverage file, which can be opened in Visual Studio 2019 Enterprise. For more information, see Use code coverage and Customize code coverage analysis.

  • -d|--diag <LOG_FILE>

    Enables diagnostic mode for the test platform and writes diagnostic messages to the specified file and to files next to it. The process that is logging the messages determines which files are created, such as *.host_<date>.txt for test host log, and *.datacollector_<date>.txt for data collector log.

  • -f|--framework <FRAMEWORK>

    Forces the use of dotnet or .NET Framework test host for the test binaries. This option only determines which type of host to use. The actual framework version to be used is determined by the runtimeconfig.json of the test project. When not specified, the TargetFramework assembly attribute is used to determine the type of host. When that attribute is stripped from the .dll, the .NET Framework host is used.

  • --filter <EXPRESSION>

    Filters out tests in the current project using the given expression. For more information, see the Filter option details section. For more information and examples on how to use selective unit test filtering, see Running selective unit tests.

  • -h|--help

    Prints out a short help for the command.

  • --interactive

    Allows the command to stop and wait for user input or action. For example, to complete authentication. Available since .NET Core 3.0 SDK.

  • -l|--logger <LOGGER>

    Specifies a logger for test results. Unlike MSBuild, dotnet test doesn't accept abbreviations: instead of -l 'console;v=d' use -l 'console;verbosity=detailed'. Specify the parameter multiple times to enable multiple loggers.

  • --no-build

    Doesn't build the test project before running it. It also implicitly sets the - --no-restore flag.

  • --nologo

    Run tests without displaying the Microsoft TestPlatform banner. Available since .NET Core 3.0 SDK.

  • --no-restore

    Doesn't execute an implicit restore when running the command.

  • -o|--output <OUTPUT_DIRECTORY>

    Directory in which to find the binaries to run. If not specified, the default path is ./bin/<configuration>/<framework>/. For projects with multiple target frameworks (via the TargetFrameworks property), you also need to define --framework when you specify this option. dotnet test always runs tests from the output directory. You can use AppDomain.BaseDirectory to consume test assets in the output directory.

  • -r|--results-directory <RESULTS_DIR>

    The directory where the test results are going to be placed. If the specified directory doesn't exist, it's created. The default is TestResults in the directory that contains the project file.

  • --runtime <RUNTIME_IDENTIFIER>

    The target runtime to test for.

  • -s|--settings <SETTINGS_FILE>

    The .runsettings file to use for running the tests. The TargetPlatform element (x86|x64) has no effect for dotnet test. To run tests that target x86, install the x86 version of .NET Core. The bitness of the dotnet.exe that is on the path is what will be used for running tests. For more information, see the following resources:

  • -t|--list-tests

    List the discovered tests instead of running the tests.

  • -v|--verbosity <LEVEL>

    Sets the verbosity level of the command. Allowed values are q[uiet], m[inimal], n[ormal], d[etailed], and diag[nostic]. The default is minimal. For more information, see LoggerVerbosity.

  • RunSettings arguments

Inline RunSettings are passed as the last arguments on the command line after '-- ' (note the space after --). Inline RunSettings are specified as [name]=[value] pairs. A space is used to separate multiple [name]=[value] pairs.

Example: dotnet test -- MSTest.DeploymentEnabled=false MSTest.MapInconclusiveToFailed=True

For more information, see Passing RunSettings arguments through command line.


  • Run the tests in the project in the current directory:

  • Run the tests in the test1 project:

  • Run the tests in the project in the current directory, and generate a test results file in the trx format:

  • Run the tests in the project in the current directory, and generate a code coverage file (after installing Coverlet collectors integration):

  • Run the tests in the project in the current directory, and generate a code coverage file (Windows only):

  • Run the tests in the project in the current directory, and log with detailed verbosity to the console:

  • Run the tests in the project in the current directory, and report tests that were in progress when the test host crashed:

Filter option details

--filter <EXPRESSION>

<Expression> has the format <property><operator><value>[|&<Expression>].

<property> is an attribute of the Test Case. The following are the properties supported by popular unit test frameworks:

Test FrameworkSupported properties
  • FullyQualifiedName
  • Name
  • ClassName
  • Priority
  • TestCategory
  • FullyQualifiedName
  • DisplayName
  • Category
  • FullyQualifiedName
  • Name
  • TestCategory
  • Priority

The <operator> describes the relationship between the property and the value:

=Exact match
!=Not exact match
!~Not contains

<value> is a string. All the lookups are case insensitive.

An expression without an <operator> is automatically considered as a contains on FullyQualifiedName property (for example, dotnet test --filter xyz is same as dotnet test --filter FullyQualifiedName~xyz).

Expressions can be joined with conditional operators:

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You can enclose expressions in parenthesis when using conditional operators (for example, (Name~TestMethod1) | (Name~TestMethod2)).

For more information and examples on how to use selective unit test filtering, see Running selective unit tests.

See also

Edit this Doc The Windows Driver

Appium has the ability to automate Windows PC Desktop apps. This driver relieson a project from Microsoft calledWinAppDriver, which is anAppium-compatible WebDriver server for Windows Desktop apps (and more in thefuture). WinAppDriver is often abbreviated 'WAD'. WAD is bundled with Appiumand does not need to be installed separately.

The Windows Driver supports testing of Universal Windows Platform (UWP) andClassic Windows (Win32) applications.

In addition to the WAD repo, development of the Appium driver takes place atthe appium-windows-driverrepo.

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Requirements and Support

In addition to Appium's general requirements:

  • Windows PC with Windows 10 or up
  • Ability to enter Administrator mode


The way to start a session using the Windows driver is to include theplatformNamecapability in your new session request, withthe value Windows. Also, ensure that you set the deviceName capability toWindowsPC as well. Of course, you must also include an appropriate appcapability, at a minimum (see below).


The Windows driver supports a number of standard Appiumcapabilities. See below for how theseshould be used specifically with the Windows driver.

Download Mstest Driver


To test a Windows app, simply make sure you have turned developermodeon.

When running Appium (whether Appium Desktop or from the command line), ensurethat you have started the app / cmd prompt as an administrator.

Writing Tests for the Windows Driver

You could begin by taking a look at some existing samples:

Java Samples
1. Open the sample folder as an existing project in a Java IDE such as IntelliJ. For example: CalculatorTest2. In the Java IDE build and run the test

C# Samples
1. Pull and open CalculatorTest.sln under CalculatorTest2. In Visual Studio 2015 with the test solution open build the test and select Test > Run > All Tests

Javascript/node Samples

  1. Using selenium-webdriver

If you want to write tests from scratch, you can choose any programminglanguage or tools supported by Appium/Selenium to write your test scripts. Inthe example below, we will author the test script in C# using Microsoft VisualStudio 2015.

Create Test Project

  1. Open Microsoft Visual Studio 2015
  2. Create the test project and solution. I.e. select New Project > Templates > Visual C# > Test > Unit Test Project
  3. Once created, select Project > Manage NuGet Packages... > Browse and search for Appium.WebDriver
  4. Install the Appium.WebDriver NuGet packages for the test project
  5. Start writing your test (see sample code under [samples])

Universal Windows Platform App Testing

To test a UWP app, you can use any Selenium supported language and simplyspecify the Application Id for the app under test in the appcapabilities entry. Below is an example of creating a test session for WindowsAlarms & Clock app written in C#:

When testing the application you authored yourself, you can find the Application Id in the generated AppXvs.appxrecipe file under RegisteredUserNmodeAppID node. E.g. c24c8163-548e-4b84-a466-530178fc0580_scyf5npe3hv32!App

Classic Windows App Testing

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To test a classic Windows app, you can also use any Selenium supported languageand specify the full executable path for the app under test in the appcapabilities entry. Below is an example of creating a test session for WindowsNotepad app:

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Starting a Session


As mentioned above, you should additionally use these capabilities to ensureyou are getting a Windows App automation session:

platformName: WindowsdeviceName: WindowsPCapp: the appID of the Windows app for testing, or the path to the .exe file

Inspecting UI Elements

Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 by default includes Windows SDK that providesgreat tool to inspect the application you are testing. This tool allows you tosee every UI element/node that you can query using Windows Application Driver.This inspect.exe tool can be found under the Windows SDK folder such asC:Program Files (x86)Windows Kits10binx86. The tool will show variouselement attributes. The table below shows you which Appium locator strategy youshould use to find elements with the corresponding attributes.

Locator StrategyMatched Attribute
accessibility idAutomationId
class nameClassName